Have you ever noticed that whenever you visit an e commerce website, the ad from that site start following you wherever you go online? Or have you ever wondered how.
Google knows so much about you and shows you content related to your interests and preferences? If the answer to the above mentioned questions is yes than read on to find out more about it…
Let's begin the journey with an understanding of traditional marketing and then differentiate it from Digital Marketing.
What is marketing?
The action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.
Marketing Evolution: ( 4 Stages)
Marketing 1.0
This is also called Traditional Marketing. Here the strategy is product/service centric. We offer a product/service to customers and only talk about that product irrespective of the customers. The whole attention is on products and its features.
Marketing 2.0
This also comes under traditional marketing but it is customer centric.Here the segmentation is done for targeting the product and services to a particular segment of society. For example the marketing strategy for Baby Food. Here the customers are young parents.
Marketing 3.0
This is also known as Digital Marketing, as here digital technology is used to market a product/service. It is also called inbound marketing, as the content is used for attracting the customers and storytelling techniques are used for explaining the product features. In this type of marketing, we add social values to our products to reach out to customers emotionally.
Marketing 4.0
It is known as new age marketing or conversational marketing as conversations with online users are used for converting them into paying customers.It is a very personalized marketing where people are targeted based on their interest and buying pattern. It is a feedback oriented approach used by organizations to drive customer loyalty and grow customer base.
Difference Between Traditional and Conversational Marketing:
Traditional marketing strategy works in one way where you can send emails or do cold calling without knowing your customers. It is you who is doing the talking without knowing if the customer likes it or not. It is not an effective way of marketing.
Where as in Conversational marketing, it uses two way personalised communication with customers and offer them the information they need the most.Instant replies, feedback, lead capturing and personalizations are few of the advantages of conversational marketing.