let’s understand the 7 most important Digital Marketing Acronyms

Digital Marketing is in the air, everyone is talking about it. During the year 2020, online businesses gained popularity and Digital Marketing became the “TOOL” most businesses wanted to use. There are a lot of Acronyms which are being used.

SERP: It means Search Engine Result Page. It is the page that is displayed after a user search for a particular topic, term, keyword or phrase. It generally has a list of websites, images, video and other information related to that topic. By default there are 10 results for that topic but we can change the settings and increase the number of results per page. There are a few paid ads on the top and at the bottom and 10 organic results in between.
PPC: It means Pay per Click. This term is used with paid ads, on Google and on social media platforms like Facebook , Instagram and others. It means a list of ads are shown in front of the user but when a user clicks on a particular ad, Google or Facebook charge money for that click and take the user to the landing page of the owner of that ad, So in short the payment is made per click.
CTR: It Means Click Through Rate. It is used when we send emails to the customers or when there is paid ads shown to the user by Google and Facebook etc. For Example, we sent 100 emails to college students , telling about our product, but only 10 students opened that email, so the CTR is 10 %, similarly we show the ad to 100 users but only 8 clicked on it, so the CTR is 8%. The more the CTR, the better the chances for conversion.
CTA: It means Call to Action. It is a word or a combination of two- three words which compel the user to take desired action like clicking on a button, or calling on a number. For example, we see Call now, Enquire now, Enroll Today, Join Now etc. CTA should be crisp, to the point and it should stand out from the other text in form of font, color and size.
Bounce Rate: Bounce rate is the website analytic metric that tells about the percentage of the visitors, who visited a particular webpage and left the webpage without viewing any other page of the website. Higher bounce rate means visitors are coming and bouncing off the page as they are not finding the content useful. It means they are not sticking around the website. It can also be interpreted as the “First impression fails”. On the flip side, if the bounce rate is low, it means user is getting answers to their questions and they are staying on the page.
Conversion Rate: Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who turned into customers, or took the desired action. For example, filling out a form. If your pages have a high conversion rate it means they are performing well. For example you sent 100 emails, out of which 20 people opened the mail and only 2 signed up for membership, so the CTR is 20 % and 0.2% is the conversion rate.
UX and UI: It means user experience and user interface. It is the look and feel and aesthetics of a webpage/website. It the ease of using a particular page that makes it great. It also involves the navigation (back and forth) of different pages and the colors, size and style of fonts.
I hope that now you are familiar with the basic terms. If you are looking for an online course in Digital Marketing and Strategy you can join DMI Pro-Certified Digital Marketing Professional course and take your career to the next level.
And if you are looking for an agency to do the Digital Marketing for your business/startup, you are at the right place, just check our Digital Marketing Services section.